Will Belew

Hello, world! I'm passionate about leveraging technology to help us feel at home in our bodies.

My curiousity has taken me from the concert hall (conservatory-trained trumpet player) to the gym floor (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and fitness-biz founder), and has led me to software engineering as a means of exploring the very heart of what fascinates me most...

...how do we harness data to grow into who we dream to be as individuals, as teams, and as communities?


Make Sh*t Work Nice

A fully-featured biometric fitness app for coaches to track their client's mobility training. Built in Python // Flask // React and deployed on AWS.

View project demo or access alpha version as a coach


A simple-yet-powerful look at up-to-date crime data from an Oakland government API. Built in pure Django with fun experiments in Mapbox and DjangoUnicorn

View live project and see source code


A blogging app that leverages Natural Language Processing basics to generate new ideas for you to write about.

Click the links to see backend and frontend source code.

Soul Compost

My fitness blog! An experiment at the intersection of coaching, marketing, and applied philosophy.

View all blogs and click around to see the Natural Language Processing algorithm (tokenize and analyze each word of each post) recommend the next read...



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